Fortify Your Active Directory Against Ransomware Threats

Active Directory Protection from Advanced Cyberattacks:

Defend Your Business from Active Directory Attacks with Certes Data Protection and Risk Mitigation

Active Directory (AD) plays a critical role in your organization, managing user authentication, authorization, and security across your entire IT infrastructure. However, this essential system has become a high-priority target for cybercriminals, with advanced attacks like Volt Typhoon demonstrating the catastrophic potential of compromised AD environments.

Whether you’re facing threats from nation-state actors, ransomware gangs, or internal vulnerabilities, Data Protection and Risk Mitigation is paramount to ensuring your business stays safe. Certes delivers state-of-the-art solutions specifically designed to secure your AD against the most sophisticated attacks.

Such ransomware attacks have a distinct pattern and typically follows the seven stage “Kill Chain”:

Why is Active Directory a Prime Target for Cyberattacks?

Attackers focus on Active Directory because it controls access to your most sensitive data. Once infiltrated, attackers can escalate privileges, move laterally, and even take control of the entire network. With the increasing complexity of IT environments—especially as more organizations embrace cloud services and remote work—the risk of AD breaches has never been higher.

The Volt Typhoon attack underscored the importance of strengthening AD protection, as attackers can infiltrate networks and remain undetected for extended periods. Certes’ Data Protection and Risk Mitigation takes a proactive approach by assuming breaches are inevitable. Rather than simply detecting and responding to threats, Certes ensures that even if attackers penetrate your defenses, the data they seek becomes useless, rendering the attack futile and protecting your organization from meaningful harm.

From ransomware to espionage, Active Directory attacks are on the rise. Traditional security tools often fail to detect modern threats, especially as attackers exploit these legitimate administration tools, in a technique known as Living Off the Land (LOTL), leaving your AD environment vulnerable to stealthy compromises. Attacks can go undetected for months, causing irreparable damage to your organization.

Data Protection and Risk Mitigation is critical for defending against Active Directory attacks; 100% data focused, Crypto Agile and Quantum Safe and has never been hacked. Our state-of-the-art DPRM solution acts as a formidable defense against the rising threats of data breaches and ransomware attacks, ensuring a solid foundation for your digital assets, and breaking the ransomware kill chain before attacks can escalate.

Free Whitepaper Download - Active Directory: Breaking the Kill Chain

Download the whitepaper to discover:

• The latest trends in Active Directory-targeted cyberattacks
• The true cost of a breach vs the cost of prevention

• Best practices for securing your AD infrastructure
• How Certes AI’s Data Protection and Risk Mitigation can defend your business

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Breaking the Kill Chain: How DPRM Prevents Active Directory Breaches Before They Happen

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Active Directory (AD) exploitation is a priority target for ransomware attacks, with an estimated 70-80% of large-scale ransomware incidents involving AD manipulation. We explore why organisations need to adopt a new approach to protecting their systems. By breaking the kill chain, we can stop attacks in their tracks – protecting the data rather than relying solely on network-based defenses.

Rethinking Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure

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The energy sector remains a prime target for cyber attackers seeking to disrupt global economies. Recent examples, such as the Halliburton incident, highlight how criminals can exploit vulnerabilities that persist in systems, like Active Directory (AD) – underscoring the urgent need for a shift in how we approach cybersecurity for critical infrastructure. 

Monthly Insights on Ransomware Trends and Statistics

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Our latest infographic,  "Cyber Insights on Ransomware" infographic sheds light on the current landscape of ransomware threats in Q2, offering valuable data on the scope and impact of these attacks. 

Request a Callback

Ready to see Certes in action? Book a call with us today.

Active Directory breaches can lead to significant business losses, both financially and reputationally. Don’t leave your AD infrastructure exposed. Download our free white paper now to understand the full scope of the threats and learn how Certes AI’s Data Protection and Risk Mitigation solution can safeguard your business.

Take action to secure your company against cyber threats and compliance challenges and request a callback with Certes today. We’ll ensure your data remains secure, accessible and the essential service you deliver to customers is uninterrupted. 

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