Why Protecting Data in Transit Should Be Your Top Priority – Not Just Monitoring Network Activity

Why Protecting Data in Transit Should Be Your Top Priority – Not Just Monitoring Network Activity

Why Protecting Data in Transit Should Be Your Top Priority – Not Just Monitoring Network Activity

In seeking to protect valuable, sensitive information that all businesses maintain, many organizations prioritize network activity monitoring as their primary line of defense against cyber threats. While monitoring is important, it’s not enough on its own. One of the most overlooked but critical aspects of security is protecting data in transit — the data that moves between devices, networks, or cloud services.

In this blog post, we’ll explain why focusing on securing data in transit is essential and how it can protect your business from sophisticated cyber threats. We’ll also highlight how data protection through quantum cryoptography and security best practices can give you peace of mind that monitoring alone can’t provide.

The Growing Threat to Data in Transit

When data is transmitted between different points (like between your company’s internal network and an external cloud server), it’s particularly vulnerable to attacks. This stage of data movement is known as data in transit or data in motion. Hackers constantly look for opportunities to intercept this data during transmission, hoping to steal, manipulate, or exploit it for malicious purposes.

Common threats to data in transit include:

  • Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks: Hackers position themselves between two communicating parties to intercept and even alter the data being sent.
  • Eavesdropping: Cybercriminals can listen in on unencrypted communications, capturing sensitive information like passwords, financial data, or personal details.
  • Packet sniffing: Attackers use special tools to capture and analyze data packets as they travel across networks, which can expose confidential data.

While monitoring network activity helps detect these kinds of attacks after they happen, it doesn’t prevent them. This is where the focus on securing data in transit comes into play.

Why Protecting Data in Transit Matters More Than You Think

  1. Prevention is Better Than Detection

Monitoring network traffic helps identify suspicious activity, but it’s reactive. By the time a threat is detected, the damage may already be done. On the other hand, protecting data in transit with strong quantum based encryption actively prevents hackers from being able to read or exploit sensitive information, even if they manage to intercept it.

Imagine sending an unencrypted email that contains your company’s financial data. If a hacker intercepts that communication, they can read it easily. Now, if that email is protected by strong cryptography and a key controlled by the customer, even if it’s intercepted, the hacker will be unable to decipher the information.

  1. Comply with Regulations and Standards

Protecting data in transit is often a regulatory requirement. Many data protection regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS, require businesses to encrypt sensitive data during transmission. Non-compliance can result in heavy fines and penalties, not to mention the loss of customer trust.

For example, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires credit card data transmitted over public networks to be encrypted. Simply monitoring your network won’t meet this standard, but encrypting your data in transit will.

  1. Guard Against Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks

MITM attacks can happen on any network, especially unsecured ones like public Wi-Fi. In these attacks, an attacker intercepts the data being sent between a sender and receiver, without either party knowing. They can steal login credentials, personal information, or other sensitive data. Protecting data in transit using end-to-end encryption can prevent attackers from accessing or tampering with your data, even if they manage to intercept it.

  1. Secure Communication with Cloud Services

With more businesses moving their operations to the cloud, ensuring secure communication between local systems and cloud services is vital. Data traveling to and from the cloud needs strong encryption to prevent exposure during transmission.

Without encrypting data in transit, your sensitive information could be intercepted at various points on its journey to the cloud provider.

  1. Prevent Unauthorized Data Modification

Not only can attackers steal data in transit, but they can also modify it. Imagine a scenario where an attacker intercepts and changes a file during transmission, potentially causing irreversible damage or confusion. 

Encryption protects against unauthorized data modification by ensuring the data’s integrity. This is particularly important when used in conjunction with immutable backup solutions – the backup is only as good as the data it receives, if that data is tampered with then the backup is useless. 

How to Effectively Protect Data in Transit

To safeguard data in transit, you need to take proactive steps. Start from the assumption that your data will be the target of an attack and plan accordingly. A solution such as Certes DPRM (Data Protection and Risk Mitigation) is focused on protecting the data in transit, it does this in a way that is transparent to other network devices and services. The data is protected using quantum based techniques and includes key material unique to the customer that is changed per data flow every hour. The result is a data set that is only available to the customer and their intended recipient and no one else – no service provider, no network vendor and certainly no attacker. 

Don’t Just Monitor, Secure Your Data

While monitoring network activity is an essential part of a strong security posture, it’s only one piece of the puzzle. Protecting data in transit is proactive, ensuring that your sensitive information remains safe even if it’s intercepted by malicious actors. By adopting Certes DPRM, and best practices, you can prevent many common cyberattacks and keep your business safe.

Remember, prevention is key in cybersecurity. Securing data in transit should be a top priority, not an afterthought.

Protect your data on the move — because it’s not just about knowing who’s trying to access it, it’s about ensuring that no one unauthorized ever can.

By emphasizing the proactive protection of data in transit, businesses can ensure that sensitive information stays secure and continues to build customer trust.

Contact us to find out how Certes DPRM protects your data in transit, ensuring sensitive information stays secure and protected from unauthorised access.

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